About the show

Vayse documents the experiences of enthusiastic rookies Peter C Hine and Stephen James Buckley as they take their first bewildered steps into mysticism, magic, high strangeness and the occult with open eyes and open minds. Join them as they re-evaluate reality and expand their minds with guidance from knowledgeable guests, inspirational texts, questionable intuition and bizarre experiments. Weird stuff is everywhere - if you're listening...

Vayse on social media


  • VYS0013 | A Vayse-man Came Travelling - Yule 2022

    December 21st, 2022  |  Season 1  |  1 hr 43 mins
    servitor, shamanic journeying, shamanism, spirit box

    In this noticeably un-Christmassy Christmas episode Hine and Buckley catch up on the events of the past few months. Occult experiments in an Air BnB in Yorkshire? Check. Contact with a mysterious and potentially angry entity on the spirit box? Check. Teaming up with a spirit buddy called Herman? Check. And what is Hine doing taking spiritual advice from frogs, salamanders and bears? Better check for yourself... Recorded 15 December 2022

  • VYS0012 | Order Out of Chaos - Vayse to Face with Mark Vincent

    December 14th, 2022  |  Season 1  |  1 hr 36 mins
    chaos magic, chronic pain, consciousness, hypnotism, mark vincent, sigil magic

    When Hine and Buckley had the idea to start a podcast about weird stuff in order to re-evaluate their reality this was the exact thing they had in mind. Mark Vincent is a man of many disciplines and much discipline - chaos magician, hypnotist, drummer, Lavey Satanist and purveyor of mind-blowing ideas. What was intended to be a discussion about chaos magic quickly spins off-track and takes a fascinating detour through the hard problem of consciousness, assembly theory, overcoming chronic pain and the pervasive nature of trance through occult practice. If you come away from listening to this episode with your idea of reality intact, then maybe you don't really exist at all... Recorded 21 November 2022.

  • VYS0011 | Weird Tales - Vayse to Face with Dr Allen H Greenfield Pt.2

    November 30th, 2022  |  Season 1  |  58 mins 53 secs
    allen greenfield, secret cipher of the ufonauts, synchronicity, terry r wriste, ufos, vayse

    In the second part of this two part interview with legendary Occultist and UFOlogist Dr Allen H Greenfield, Hine and Buckley go deep asking questions about: the Black Lodge, the Babalon Working, Hellier and the collapse of Western Civilisation. Allen also recounts unnerving tales of the UFOlogists who died too young and the dangers of research in the field... so, don't try this at home... Recorded 13 November 2022

  • VYS0010 | Amazing Stories - Vayse to Face with Dr Allen H Greenfield Pt.1

    November 23rd, 2022  |  Season 1  |  1 hr 10 mins
    allen greenfield, secret cipher of the ufonauts, synchronicity, terry r wriste, ufos, vayse

    Occultist or UFOlogist? Teacher or trickster? Keeper of secrets or straight-talking raconteur? Dr Allen H Greenfield is all of these things and infinitely (or a finite very, very large number) more. In this first part of a two-part interview Allen talks about how he first uncovered the potential of the secret cipher, sets the record straight on Gray Barker and Jim Moseley, talks about the plasticity of reality and tells the story of how a single small hoax has the potential to instigate legitimate phenomena on a large scale... recorded 13 November 2022

  • VYS0009 | If There's Something Weird - Halloween 2022: Ghostbusters

    October 31st, 2022  |  Season 1  |  1 hr 31 mins
    capitalism, ghostbusters, halloween, lovecraft, neoliberalism, reagan

    We got one! Before there was Hellier, before there was Twin Peaks there was Ghostbusters. In this special Halloween episode Hine and Buckley take a deep dive into this cherished classic - the movie that launched a thousand ghost hunting expeditions and at least one podcast about weird stuff. At the remove of 38 years and examined through the lens of Vayse, is Ghostbusters a beloved and harmless comedy blockbuster, a Lovecraftian cautionary tale, or a technicolour Reaganite super-dream? See you on the other side. Recorded 26 October 2022.

  • VYS0008 | To Hellier and Back - Vayse to Face with Will Salmon

    October 12th, 2022  |  Season 1  |  1 hr 35 mins
    hellier, penny royal, re-enchantment, synchronicity, will salmon

    If there is one common experience in the life of both Hine and Buckley that could be said to have jump-started Vayse into existence, it was watching the TV series Hellier. If there is one person alive right now who could be said to have been directly responsible for Hine and Buckley watching Hellier, that person is writer and journalist Will Salmon. In this episode Hine and Buckley talk to Will Salmon about Hellier, Penny Royal and whether these and other 'media viruses' can be responsible, consciously or unconsciously, for re-enchanting the lives of their audience - "I think we’re at the beginning of a global awakening man..." Recorded 5 October 2022.

  • VYS0007 | Too Much to Dream Last Night

    September 11th, 2022  |  Season 1  |  1 hr 38 mins
    goat god pan, hypnogogia, sigil magic, the dark man

    It's been less than 2 months since Buckley and Hine recorded VYS0003 but things are quickly getting weirder. Buckley talks about his recent dreamwork, his experiments with hypnagogia and a series of synchronicities at a London gig kickstarted by sigil magic. Hine, unexpectedly grounded from practical magic by the I Ching, recounts his experiences with the Dark Man and the Goat God Pan (one and the same?) dating from all the way back in his childhood to present day. Recorded 4 August 2022.

  • VYS0006 | Dreamtides - Vayse to Face with Field Lines Cartographer

    September 10th, 2022  |  Season 1  |  1 hr 42 mins
    cartesian dualism, creativity, dreams, dreamtides, déjà vu, field lines cartographer, free will, ghosts, intuition, time loops

    In this inaugural Vayse interview, Hine and Buckley talk to electronic musician, creative dreamer and fellow weirdo Mark Burford aka Field Lines Cartographer. The conversation ranges from how dreams can be part of the creative process to time loops, retrocausality and their implications on the concept of free will to Mark's very own haunted house. Recorded 28 June 2022.

  • VYS0005 | UFOnauts and Inverted Crosses - The Ultraterrestrial Hypothesis Pt.2

    September 9th, 2022  |  Season 1  |  1 hr 25 mins
    aleister crowley, allen greenfield, babalon working, jack parsons, ultraterrestrials

    As if Magonia and the Mothman weren't weird enough, in the second part of this two-part exploration of the Ultraterrestrial Hypothesis, Hine and Buckley discuss the connections between the phenomena and ritual magic by way of Allen Greenfield's secret cipher, Aleister Crowley's book of the Law and Jack Parson and L. Ron Hubbard's Babalon Working, which may or may not have opened and left open a gateway to another world... Recorded 21 July 2022.

  • VYS0004 | The Uncanny Vallée and the Unreal Keel - The Ultraterrestrial Hypothesis Pt.1

    September 8th, 2022  |  Season 1  |  1 hr 30 mins
    jacques vallee, john keel, passport to magonia, the mothman prophecies, the ultraterrestrial hypothesis

    What if UFO sightings and alien encounters aren't visitations by creatures from another planet but an experience of entities which surround us all the time but usually remain outside the perception of our five senses? What if the greys and flying saucers are a manifestation of a phenomena known in days gone by names such as fairies, elementals and angles? This is the Ultraterrestrial Hypothesis. In the first part of this two-part study Hine and Buckley explore these ideas by trying to wrap their heads around the work of Jacques Vallée and John Keel. Recorded 21 July 2022.

  • VYS0003 | Welcome to Vayse, Population 2

    September 7th, 2022  |  Season 1  |  1 hr 41 mins
    imagination, magick, sigils, vayse, weird

    Welcome to Vayse: A podcast about weird stuff... but what is Vayse? In this introductory episode Hine and Buckley discuss how the weirdness crept in, how they are feeding it and why they feel the need to talk about it to strangers... topics include: first experiments with sigil magic, basic dreamwork and corvid visitations. Recorded 16 June 2022.