Loren Fetterman is a tattoo artist, painter and timelord in training. His ongoing obsession with cyclical models of time has led to a lifelong exploration of psychedelic states, Buddhist meditation, and the comparative study of esoteric traditions, with a strong focus on Anthroposophy.
He holds a BA in Computer Games Art and an MA in Religious Studies. Loren lives in a weird valley enmeshed with mycelial intelligence, where he continues to prepare for the next Great Alignment.
Loren Fetterman has been a guest on 1 episode.
VYS0033 | Battle-Owl vs Sci-fi Centipede - Vayse to Face with Loren Fetterman
December 27th, 2023 | Season 2 | 1 hr 46 mins
inner-astrology, loren fetterman, magic, magick, psychedelics, synchromysticism, synchronicity
In this episode artist, illustrator, esoteric free-thinker and Hine's tattoo-artist of choice, Loren Fetterman, completely blows Hine and Buckley's minds in a mushroom cloud of psychedelics, synchro-mysticism and inner astrology. Loren gives Hine and Buckley a whirlwind tour of his unique, self-styled brand of magick, detailing how he brings back and integrates life-changing ideas from this trips, how he invented a mirror point calendar system and bone watch to track his own personal symmetry, how he uses insight meditation to understand the recurring fractal cycles and patterns which form his life and wider reality and how he summoned a Battle-Owl to defeat an attacking Sci-fi Centipede formed entirely from his baby photos... (recorded 13 December 2023)