Born just one day before the first test-tube baby, Ken Eakins is a filmmaker, podcaster and fan of odd happenings. After a few strange experiences and one too many a Robert Anton Wilson book, Ken began a journey into the Occulture and has never returned. His website and show ‘Right Where You Are Sitting Now’ has been about in one form or another since 2007. On the show, Ken and his revolving door of cohorts interview luminaries of the Occult, counterculture, music world and even some famous Hollywood types.

Ken has worked as a journalist, court clerk, prison administrator, organic cake deliverer and electricity line mapper, so clearly he is the man for the job. He somehow also managed to get a MSc in Criminology, and recently BAFTA made him a member.

When not droning into a microphone, Ken can be found collecting vintage camera lenses, going to the odd cat show (yes really), and amassing a huge collection of Blurays just in case Putin blows up Netflix.

Ken Eakins has been a guest on 1 episode.