About this Episode

SideVayse: SVYS002 | Darkness, Darkness - Show notes

In this SideVayse Buckley conjures up a live atmospheric soundscape to Hine's meditation on Darkness. So, find a quiet room, turn off the lights, put on your headphones and hitch a ride with Vayse to the heart of Darkness. Recorded 20 February 2023.

For the gearheads amongst us, Buckley's setup for this recording was a Soma Lyra-8 running through Red Panda Particle and OTO Bam pedals.

If you have a Spotify account and 80 minutes to get a bit intense and melancholy in a fairly adolescent way, a link to Hine's writing playlist for this episode is here: Darkness, Darkness.

Various Monster Munch Adverts - terrifying

Where Your Eyes Don't Go by They Might Be Giants

A short article about Nathaniel Kleitman's cave experiments

Michel Siffre Wikipedia Page - the man really threw himself into those cave experiments

Article by Andy Worthington on the 2008 BBC Bunker Experiment

Darkness Can Do All Kinds of Things to Your Body and Brain - Article by Maya Kroth

Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Volume 9 (Part 2) by C.G. Jung